Who the f*** wants to sign up to an
architecture recruiter's newsletter?
and occasionally poke fun at people I don’t like very much.

And, if you're not happy with me for any reason, you can claim your free 'Annoyed Candidate Pack'.
Because recruiters are shit. Nobody likes how they operate. That’s good for me because as an independent. I don’t have some dick head boss sitting behind me telling me to make money by any means necessary. Instead, I try to focus on just doing a good job. (Funny thing is, the more I focus on that, the more money I seem to make).
I know how frustrating it can be to have a career as an Architectural professional – the long hours, the lack of progression, the *ahem* shit pay. That’s why it’s important to me to champion my candidates’ best interests when it comes to these issues.
So, if I f*ck up, make a mistake, or say something you’re not happy with, you’ll receive an ‘Annoyed Candidate Pack’ in the post. (No, really. I will actually send you one of these.)

Some of the Companies I Work With

For the few of you with enough time on your hands to scroll this far, here’s a bit more about me.
I’m Matt, and I’m a recruiter for Architecture and the Built Environment. I know, I know, the fact that I’m a recruiter probably has you rolling your eyes, imagining the pinstripes, laddy banter, and bags from a heavy weekend, whilst spending the day spraying CVs about like some sort of trigger-happy, corporate Rambo.
But, I don’t suit stripes, the only banter I have left are dad jokes, the bags are from chasing hyperactive kids around from about 6am, and It’s not that I don’t also give a crap about the people I’m placing, but I know that if I’m brutally honest with you from the start about everything, then it’ll work out better for the both of us. I tend to work on the following roles:
Architectural Professionals
Surveyors & Engineers
Project Managers
Client Side QS
And don’t worry, if you’re signing up to my ‘Annoying Email’ today, I won’t be using your details for anything else. It’s your choice whether or not you get in touch about a new job, and that’s a promise. Otherwise, y’know, you can claim that ‘Annoyed Candidate Pack’.
Real, Genuine, Definitely-Not-Made-Up Testimonials
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The Annoying Recruiter 2023